Chasing Pavements

Now Flint Street is finally finished, we have jumped to our next unit: Devising, our task is to create a made up bit of performance from a stimuli, in order to be successful we will have to experiment with ideas even if we think the out come wont be so great. This unit gives us a chance to use new techniques and types of theater which can possibly improve our abilities. But the key aspect in this unit is to work as a team.

The stimuli we have been given is :Chasing Pavements, this is Grammy award song performed by the very talented Adele. When I think of this title I instantly think of loss and losing hope because a pavement never ends its an ongoing thing which then gave me the idea of dreams being this pavement, I can believe that I will become an actor but the chances of that happening is very low this led me on to think about realization and how people cope with this situation; some people just don't pay attention to reality and stay optimistic, controversially people give up their dreams which makes them lose their hope and could continue into depression but  their is a middle point which is they degrade their dream into something possible for example having a family to go home everyday or to become an actor but not a mainstream actor. In conclusion I think the main morale of 'Chasing Pavements' is the realization of the real and how her character deals with it.

Here are the Lyrics to 'Chasing Pavements':     Annotations

I've made up my mind,- She is making out that she knows what to do but she doesnt she does this to comfort herself
Don't need to think it over- Very controversial as it looks like she has been thinking a lot
If I'm wrong, I am right  - Unsure on what to do next
Don't need to look no further,- she is trying to convince her self that she its going to be okay, she does this so her mnd can be clear
This ain't lust
I know this is love- 'love' is the root of all evil

But if I tell the world
I'll never say enough - its too big to resolve
'cause it was not said to you -----------------------------------------
And that's exactly what I need to do-  she is singing to her 'love'
If I end up with you----------------------------------------------------
Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements- this could be a metaphor for chasing her love
Even if it leads nowhere?- she thinks that it'll end up no where
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place?                   Her questions show that she is unsure on what to do next
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
I build myself up
And fly around in circles- 'fly' suggests the freedom but form what ' circle' suggests that this is an ongoing cycle
Waitin' as my heart drops
And my back begins to tingle
Finally, could this be it - she might be relieved that she has found the one
This verse is different to the other one as she is no longer doubting her self is this because she has finally made up her mid  or she might be thinking the situation differently

Or should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste- what if it doesn't work out? She wants it to but she doesn't want to risk her heart being broken again
Even if I knew my place?
Should I leave it there?

Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?

Should I give up?
Or should I just keep on chasin' pavements            
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place?
Should I leave it there?
 It's a big cry for help she is asking all of these questions but no one is answering them. She knows that there are no answers, so why is she asking them?
Should I give up?
Or should I just keep on chasin' pavements? To keep travelling until she meets her true 'lover' 
Should I just keep on chasin' pavements?      but what if the one she is running away from is 
Ohh oh                                                      her true 'love 

should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place?
Should I leave it there?

should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?- she doesn't want to be seen desperate

My interpretation of this song strongly rely on realization and how this is dealt with. Adele's character is running away from her boyfriend and she is asking herself if she should leave him or stay with him, this is a very difficult question for her as she doesn't know if she is going to find another true love

Here is Lewis' interpretation which is completely different to mine:
(1) The song is about a woman who hasn't confessed her feelings to someone. She is definitely in love with him. She knows what she wants, and she's ready to go for it
(2) It doesn't matter who knows about her feelings. There's only one person who absolutely needs to know, and that is the man himself. Otherwise, how will he know that she's in love with him?
(3) So should she stay in the background/as a friend? Or should she go for it? Follow the pavement and take a chance.. even if in the end, she doesn't get what she wanted. Is the greater risk in never trying? She knows to him, her place is as his friend, but she wants to take things further.
(4) She gets so high on the possibility of a relationship, but she comes back to reality when she realises they're still just friends. But the slightest hint of him pleases her and one day she'll help him realise they should be together.

I have never considered this, but it makes clear sense basically Lewis is making out that Adele has a crush on this man who defiantly could be the one but she hasnt got the guts to ask him out, through the song she is doubting her self and thinking deeply if she should ask this man out but we never get to know the outcome.

I wanted to know the actual reason behind the song so I decied to go on the internet and I found this:
lyrically, Adele said, "It doesn't really make sense, does it? 'Chasing Pavements' is about chasing a boy — even if you know something's gonna go wrong, you really want it to go right, so you just don't give up. I can't write other people's drama, and I can't glamorize a microwave or anything like that, so I end up writing songs about things I've experienced." [1] She added that, although the song is about heartbreak, it is also very much a song of hope: "It's me being hopeful for a relationship that's very much over. The sort of relationship you hate when you're in it, but miss when you're not." [2]
Adele reiterated to The Sun in January 2008 that "Chasing Pavements" is about splitting up with her ex and having her heart broken for the first time:
That song is about should I give up or should I just keep trying to run after you when there's nothing there? I was only with him for four months but when I signed my record deal I had to write an album, as I hardly had any songs, so I wrote about him.
She also revealed:

I couldn't write songs for ages because I found it really hard writing songs for fun or writing them because someone had invested a lot of money and time in me. I just couldn't do it. And then I met my ex-boyfriend and it was great to begin with and then it was really shitty. And then I wrote about ten songs in about five weeks. I love him still and I got an album out of him. I used him more than he used me. And he loves it. It's not bitter. He loves it when the song comes on the radio. He says: 'It's about me.' And I'm like, 'It's a song about heartbreak, you fool!' [2]


This song is about Adele's ex boyfriend and how she felt at the time if she should stay with him or to go and meet a new person. I think its extrodinary as she sais that she just kind of made up the lyrics yet they fit so well and adds a lot of depth to the song.I also like the theme of hope in this song, it makes me think about my dreams  and how I need hope to furfill them.

The chorgragphy in the video is very smart. It's based around a car crash occuring in Hyde park. During the video the victims interact with shadows, I think the shadows repersent theloved ones who are dead,a nd it shows how you can still interact with people even if they dont live with you anymore, the video led me to an idea that maybe we can incoperate this idea of still being able to be with your loved by using shadows.

Heres the link to the video:

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