The start to Devising

In this lesson the task was to pick out an idea and expand it by coming up with a short scene, our group decided ot experiment with the idea of having a coma, in this piece we wanted the audience to see peoples P.O.V of the woman who was in the coma (Rhiannon). I liked this idea because the audiencde emphasized for the charecter in the coma; even though they dont a lot about her, I find it facinating when an audience can be so close to  a character who they dont really know, this made me think of the techniques and scenarios we can use so the audience can fell close to the character.

Our scene was a mix of physical thatre and dialogue to show the relationship between the characters. The first scnario thatthe audience saw was a fight with the coma paitent (Rhiannon) and her best friend (Cel), basically they have an argument and Rhiannon fells vbetrayed by her, this results in a Hym Hands(A Frantic Assembly movement technique) inspired movemnet piece, on video it did look weird as there was no music to create an atmosphere. This scene was heavily based on movement whilst Olivers piece had a mix of both, in this part Oliver admits his love for Rhiannon, they hug and then Rhiannon gets lifted and put back onto her bed. My scene with her was all dialogue, the reason for this is that I wanted to experiment with style to see the audience reaction to each piece. My piece was me talking Rhiannon and expressing my feeling to my little sister who is now in a coma. Overall the piece was sucessful but could of been expanded. If we had more time with this I would of each scene longer and add kre techniques like flashbacks showing my realtionship with Rhiannon for example I could hold her hand whilst taking her to school, or maybe trying to protect from a boy. Further more I think we could've added light humour which would of made the audience more emotional over our piece.

Next lesson I want to experiment with more techniques and possible genre.
Heres the link to the video:

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