Mask reseach

I like this mask as it shows how tired Zanni is from the folds in his skin. I also like the simplicity of it at symbolizes the simplicity of Zanni, however I would like to give him a thinner nose and maybe a bit longer, I would also make his eyes neutral instead of sad showing how confused he can get all the time, I think Zanni is not a depressed character so he shouldn't always look sad.

I prefer this mask as the eyes are big this shows how greedy Zanni could be. I also like the length of the nose as it shows that the Zanni is stupid and I want my Zanni to be incredibly stupid. However i think he should have a darker colour like the first picture, and I think there should be more folds around and under the eyes to show that he is exhausted.

I like the glamorization of this mask however I don't think it'll suit my Zanni as he is very simple and the different colurs and fabrics adds too much depth into the mask however I like the depth of the eyes and the folds around the left eye as it shows exhaustion.

This is an example of something I defiantly don't want I think this mask is too simple and shows no characterization except for the nose which I think is too wide that it looks weird. I aslo dont like the colour of the mask I think its too dark.

I now know what I want for my mask I want the shape of the second mask, I also like the nose of that one as the longer the nose the more stupid he is. I like the dirt colour of the first mask as it shows that he works hard and he is peasant-like. And I like the eyes on the second mask however could be a bit smaller and have folds on it like the right side of the third mask.

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