Jamie Bulger inspired piece

As we discovered that comedy wont work we decided that we should change our plot so we decided that we need to sit down and see what we can do, there was a lot of arguments but eventually we cam up with a brilliant idea; the idea is based on the horrific murder of Jamie Bulger (I'll do some research in a different post) We have a vague idea for the opening scene of the piece:

  • Ollie and I would run on as the two children who murdered Jamie (the audience wont know this as we want a sudden realisation)
  • Ollie and I would be watch a projection of a chucky doll advert, a brick advert and a Duracell advert ( we chose to do this to as to give a suttle hint to the audience of what will come - Jamie was killed with bricks and batteries, and people think the chucky inspired them to do it)
  • At the end of the projection we want a sound of a train on tracks coming (as Jamie got dumped on train tracks and got his body ripped in half by it)
  • Whilst the projection is happening Ollie and I will be like best Friends and laughing, this will make the audience think that we are innocent.
Ollie decide that I will be Robert Thompson( the one which they suspect that there is something wrong with him psychologically) and Ollie will be Jon Venbles ( the one who got caught with pornographic images of children after his release) 

For next lesson I will conduct some research into Robert Thompson.

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