Getting into character

This lesson we concentrated more on characterization this is because we don't need to worry about plot too much as Commedia dell'arte is mostly improvised.

As I've already done research I know how I would like to move as Zanni:

  • Lead from nose as he is curious
  • Has hunchback as this is to show he has the least power out of all of the stock characters
  • Arms half lifted up
  • Have toes pointed and foot outwards to make him look more like a trickster
  • Always swap my support leg when I'm on one foot
  • Quick movements showing curiosity
I think his stance is very difficult however I will keep trying until I think it has been perfected. After this we did a task where we saw how other people would walk as our character this gave us a variety of interpretations and this led us to change the movement to improve. I really liked how Lorna moved she was always twitching her head which showed that he is amazed by everything, I also like how high her keens where when she was walking or running I'm defiantly adding this to my Zanni to show more characterization.

For the first actor he moves very feminine like and all of his movements are OTT and fluent this was to show how much he loved his lover. The lovers actually never touch each other in Commedia dell'arte this gives us a chance to do funny lazzi blowing kisses to each other, I'll do some research into him later.

For next lesson we will start to design our masks for our characters

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