Coming up with ideas

Today we presented our characters to the rest of the group this is so we have a clear understanding on what we can do with each character, I f we didn't know anyone else chatterer we wouldn't be able to make a well suited plot for everyone.

After this we decided that we need to make a plot we firstly wanted to decide what plot we want for our piece, so we made a hierarchy of the stock characters in our piece.I then told everyone the idea of a murder mystery. Everyone liked the idea but now we need to develop it.

So the next thing we need to decide was who is going to be killed the most suitable participant was Harlequino as he annoys everyone and seems to do nothing, therefore everyone can be suspect as no one really likes him.

The next thing we did was to establish the relationships with everyone so we have a clear idea of who will hang out with who here's the relationships for Zanni:

He is basically the servant of everyone however develops a relationship with Columbina as she is the only one who is nice to him.

1st actor relationships:

He is in love with 1st actress
He is also Pantolonie's son
Everyone else is jelousy of him as they also have a crush on 1st actress but she only likes 1st actor

Next lesson we will decide who will be the killer and if anyone else would be killed off

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