Improving our characters using Lazzi

This lesson we got given the task to make a short lazzi as this will help our characterisation of the stock characters. I got paired up with Lorna who is Brighella, as Brighella's nature is very bossy we decided to make a lazzi of her bossing me around:

  • Starts of with Zanni centre stage sleeping, Brighella walks in and tries to wake up Zanni he gets annoyed and goes on a massive clicking frenzy
  • He then then kicked me as it was a way to get her own back which wakes up Zanni
  • Zanni is frightend and tries to run away from him however the heirachy requires him to listen to Brighella
  • Brighella tells him to do a set of tasks which Zanni is pretending to listen
  • when Brighella wants him to do those tasks Zanni gets confused and copies him, which makes Brighella angry and in result pushes him
  • Zanni falls asleep again when Brighella leaves, he comes back and pushes him over again
Our piece was funny however individually I need to make sure that the audience can see my mask and I need to maintain my stance as it reminds the audience of who I am and my place in the hierarchy.

At the end of the lesson we decided to go through the opening scene again which was better as we understood our characters more, next lesson we will create our masks.

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