Juxtaposition of music

Todays lesson we decided that we wanted to explore the affect of music has on the audience. So we decided that we have happy music however do a sad piece. I the end we decided the best issue we could do would be Eating disorders, this is because Eating disorders are mis-interpreted by many people therefore we would like to inform the audience of Anorhexia, this is were you simply refuse to eat  this is because they are insecure on how they look therefore they want to like what they are seeing in the mirror the only solution they can think of is to stop eating, this can result in many sideaffects including : brittle nails, fatigued all the time, seizures and even could kill you.. As Cel has sufferd from this a couple of times we have a view from someone who has sufferd, this will make us understand more on this issue, and we could understand he feelings the sufferer has went through.

So we started off by doing a sad song with happy movements this would show how people hide their insecurities inside and they dont make it obvious that they have a problem. We found this diffcult as we couldnt sound sad whilst doing a happy expression. If we had more time I think we could of done it however we did have a limited amount of time therfore we moved on to a diffrent idea; our next idea was that Ollie and I would represnt annorexia whilst Cel would be in the middle being the one who is suffering. This way we could play around with puppertry and use of lifts. We then came up with the idea of saying facts about the eating disorder whilst doing the movement.

We then found a song which was completely diffrent to our movement piece, the song was 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM. I think this music suited the piece a lot.However I think other song would of been more suited e.g. I feel Pretty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0uiCkY67Rg.

We also referd the suffer as 'Ana' as it is short for Anarexia and it shows that this eating disorder has took over her life. I liked the movements especially the one at the end showing that we are shwoing that the eating disorder has consumed her.

Here are the facts which we used:

  • Physical effects of an eating disorder can be fatal.
  • 720,000 people in the UK are effected by an eating disorder.
  • 90% of people with the conditions are female.
  • The most common eating disorders are: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder.
  • Bulimia is 2 or 3 times more common than anorexia.

I enjoyed this piece as we got to inform the audience of how fatal eating disorders can do, I also like the way we exporessioned Cel's emotions by using movement, my favoroute part of it is the juxtapostioned music whoich was used in the piece. If we had more time I think we would of found more clever ways to personify the etasing disorders and we could ofg even concentrated on anothoer condition like Bulemia.

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