the rehabilitation scene

In today's lesson we continued on experimenting with ideas and techniques, I thought we should a soundscape as if used properly can create an immense atmosphere which would be a good asset for the performance. We also came up with the idea to change  where the audience sat, instead of a stereotypical row we thought if we bring them into the show itself it will immerse them into the performance. I think the composition of the seats allowed us to engage the audience more into the performance, this made our audience more sympathetic towards the characters.

As you can see from the video everybody had a different story on how they have ended up in Prison, the way we did this was to add a mixture of movements and the use of speech, for example in Oliver's bit we contracted around him we did this to show that everything was disorientated from his point of view. We also thought carefully about the positioning of the performance as people need to be at a different angle so everyone can see, we found this very difficult as we cant perform in the middle without having our backs to a few people, if we do this again we would need to consider this factor. If we had more time with this I think we could of turned into a promenade performance with each story, again this would of been difficult as there is only four of us in the group therefore it'll be difficult to guide the audience and to change characters.

For my character I decided to maintain a soft voice, this was to comfort the audience and the characters. And as I'm a Councillor I wont be forceful as I'm there to help, therefore I will be asking questions and making sure that everyone is comfortable.

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