Creating the opening scene

To start of this lesson we performed our improvised scenes which we came up with last lesson

Ollie' and Lewis' scene was really good however I think they should work more on movement to portray more of a slapstick comedy effect. The feedback for our scene was very good however everyone said that I need a higher pitch to make the first actor more feminine, I will practice this at home. Lorna's Rob's and Charlie's scene was really funny I think it was funny as there was a massive contrast of personalties. Our feedback is that during the sword fight they should be more vocal so the audience can tell the emotions of the characters just from their voice,

We then decided to make the opening of the perfromance:
  • It starts with Harlequin on floor dead and Zanni just sleeping on stage left
  • Brighella enters and notices the dead body and calls for help
  • Doctor enters checks for a pulse and announces Harlequins death
  • Brighella gets upset as Harlequin is his brother
  • Pantolonie comes in and notices that Harlequin is dead and blames Brighella
  • Il Captano gets blamed by Brighella which leads on to a story about Columbina so she gets blamed
  • Columbina gets flirty with everyone and they fall for her and then she blames Zanni
  • Zanni wakes up and notices the dead body which he tries to eat but Brighella stops him
  • Pantolonie asks Zanni and he blames Columbina
  • This leads onto a pointong frenzy shown by the diagram below
  • The second pointing makes Zanni confused which leads him to point Harlequin

Next we want to go back to all of the flashbacks and the alibi's of each character. I like this opening scene as there is a lot of opportunities to add comedy for example we could make Doctor ramble on more which could result into Brighella getting annoyed.

The next we need to figure out is who Harlequine going to die, I liked the idea on how everyone wants to kill him and n each flashback he almost dies except for the final one where he could die I also like the idea that he could die from choking on his own food, this would add a comic affect as everyone has spent all the time and effort that actually in fact he died because he was too greedy.

1 comment:

  1. James you need to remove the picture from this blog post as the work is Lorna's, not your own.
