
Today we brainstormed ideas for our new devise piece. We came up with three main topics which we were all interested in this was:
  • glamorization in the media- this piece would consist of how crimes are glamourized , for example Madeleine McCann was all over the media only because her parents could afford it, so this piece could lead into what we don't know this will be an interesting piece if we could explore crimes which we haven't heard of however there is a limit to what we can do and I haven't really got a clear image of what we can do.
  • What if?- this would be another piece exploring on what if a crime didn't happen I thought this would be practically good with Madeleine McCann as it has revolutionized the  way security now day, this idea has limitless of what if's however will it confuse the audience? 
  • Crime- this would be exploring the crime caused by people know as 'phsyco's' this would be interesting to explore different mental illness' , however we worried that this might be to cliché.
We also came up with a few techniques/ideas we ant to include into our piece:
  • Projection/ multimedia
  • soundscapes
  • chair duets
  • Brecht
  • Burkoff

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