Our new ideas

This lesson we decided to plan on what we want to do for our final devised piece. I quite like the idea of comedy as the other groups are going down quite serious routes, however this is very risky as we dont know how the out come will become as nione of us has much experience in comedy, we also decid to go down dark comedy as this is very broad and we can work with a lot more stuff.

All of us liked the idea of looking into diffrent households and how they cope with certain situations, like the tv show: gogglebox, or the play 'Roads' by Jim Cartwright. We also thought that all the story should link to something and eventually we decided that we should  concentrate on one man who died and its his funeraial, one person from each househld will go, its a but like 'love actually' where at the end you realise that all of the characters are somehow linked.

We also thought of tackiling tough topics however funny for example we dream for teenagers. We thought that we need some parts to be serious in order to make the piece more funny.

We also thought that we should if we are going comedy it should be british comedy so we can use scenes from shows like: 'Bad Education', 'Very British Problems'.

This will be very hard as we want the comedy to be natruael or elses itll just turn into a wreck.

So now we got our inital ideas we decided that we need to create character profiles and families and link them to the dead person.

Heres what the families are

Ollie section: He is an old flat mate of the dead persdon he lives with his: Wife(Cel), and two of his friends come over (Rhiannon and James.
James' section: He is the dead guys nephew, he is in a gay relationship with Ollie and he lives with his sister (Rhiannon) and his best friend is visting him(Cel)
Cel's section: she is the dead guys younger sister she lives with her boyfriend (Ollie),  and her children (James and Rhiannon)
Rhiannon's section: she is the dead guys best friend and she lives with husband ( Ollie) and her children who are Twins (Cel and James)

Character profile for dead guy:
Name: John David
Age: 32
Cause of Death: Auto Erotic Assimilation
Lives: Liverpool
Music taste: House
Relationship status: Married for ten years to Fiona but then divorced.
Job: Accountant who studied in London.

I think if we do the right reseacrch this piece will be very intersting and entertainment.

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