Starting our new idea

This lesson we decided toi concentrate on Ollie scene, this is not final as he wants to get a script from out numberd therfore this idea is not final. We decided to devise a normal house hold where Rhiannon is a rebilous teenager and its my first day at sebior school, Cel is the mum and Ollie is the dad.

The scene stated off with calling Rhiannon but being a steriotypical teenager she has changed her mind and they have had an argument about that, whilst this is happening Cel is trying to get me up from bed, then they send me to the shower where the audience will see but there will be  a towel so it looks like im naked when im not, the they wanted me to be vert femine and sing songs like: I feel like a woman' and 'Anaconda' whilst dancing in the shower this will be funny as itll be unexpected ontop of this it is very normal for this to happen, after that Olllie questions my gender then we leave to go to school. I think if we have more time this will be funny however it's going to be very hard to excuite it as we need to get the timing right.

Ollie is making a script for next lesson

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