Creating the masks

Today we created the masks with Plaster Paris, this material is used to a cast for people who break their bones.

Firstly put coconut oil on our faces ensuring that the plaster paris wont affect our skin. Then we put wrt kitchen roll over our eyes so it wont get over our eyes, and then we added three layers of it onto onto the mouth upwards. We needed to make sure the face was sculpted especailly the eyes so the audience would notice the distinctive feautures of the mask.

Next lesoon over the half term we will decide who will be who.

1 comment:

  1. This reads too much like a diary James. There is a nice opportunity here for you to show your research on commedia masks. Why did we choose to create masks that would only fit you, rather than just using generic ones? Can you talk about how commedia actors generally played one character for life and provide research of this?
