Exploring ideas

This lesson we concentrated on how we can improve our idea and turn it into a performance, we separated into two different groups Group 1: Rob, Rhiannon and I , Group 2: Lorna, Charlie, Lewis and Ollie. As we are in two different this allows different ideas to be heard which can affect the final outcome.

In our group Rhiannon came up with a Brilliant idea: to have a court case to see who would kill Harlequin we expanded the ideas:

  • Doctor and Pantalonie could be the judges
  • Zanni will the the defendant and his lawyer would be Columbina
  • Brighella will be the prosecutor and his lawyer would be Il Capitano
  • Harlequin would be the one who gets murdered
This plot gives us many chances to use flashbacks, to show alibi's however it could be too confusing to the audience and they wont understand what is happening. Another problem is that we wouldn't be able to co-operate Harlequin into the story.

We decided to see the other groups ideas their idea consisted of:
  • Harlequin is dead on-stage and Brighella finds him she panics
  • This leads her to question everyone
  • Each character has a flashback on what they was doing earlier that day
  • At the end Zanni confess' and gets a promotion
I really like this idea as everyone has been included equally however I think that it's a bit too cliché so if we would do this idea we would have to improve it.

We discussed that Rhiannon's idea was good and we should try it out with a few changes as we needed to add Harlequin into the plot, we decided that the one who should get killed should be Magnifico this is because we don't have to see him in the performance and we haven't casted a Magnifco therefore  no one is left out. This resulted Harlequin being a witness.

So we started t to improvise a scene with the court case idea however it was too slow paced this would result into the audience lacking an interest into the show. Therefore we decided to go to the other group idea, we all splitted off into someone who we would hang out with as a character and started to devise a scene.

I was paired with Rhiannon where we made a Lovers scene, this included us exchanging kisses using a fake bow and arrow, I think the lovers will be hard as we cant touch each other. Next lesson we will perform this to the rest of the class.

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