The Snow Queen Part2

In this lesson we began the making of the snow queen. The story consists of seven different parts therefore we decided theatre ach person will have a part, as Lorna has a immersive storytelling voice we decided that  she should start off the show, as the audience will choose if they like the show in the first couple of minutes, therefore we should start with a strong person. I have part 2 so I will have to maintain the concentration the audience will have. For this lesson we decided to concentrate on Lorna's part as it'll will be the hardest and longest to set up because it is heavily based on movement and physical theatre.

Here is the list of movement we came up with:
  • We all start off in a circle facing each other
  • On "Now let us begin" we all turn from our right shoulder band go into our designated spot, in a different directions
  • On "Reflected" we turn 180 degrees
  • On "Poor" and "mean" we do little inverted contractions
  • On "magnified" we contract out with an over-exaggerated movement so it looks like we have been released from something
  • On "In this mirror" we all form a straight line
  • When she sais "their faces" we pick up a mask which will be directly in front of us
  • "distorted" we put the masks on
  • On "recognised" we turn 180 degrees from our left shoulder and walk into a formation
  • On the second" magnified" we reach to our side , in front, or to the side depending where you are in the formation, the movement has to be slow and we have to be close together in order for the movement to work
  •  "Oh, that's glorious fun!" will be in coral speaking to give a dramatic effect, and we will be in another line (I'm on the end"
  • Then on " If a good thought" everyone does a movement with their hands in a cannon which ends with me, On "then grin" I make an expression of grinning with my hands as I cant grin because we will have our masks on
  • After that we go into anther formation, and on "they ran about" Lewis and Oliver lifts Charlie by the armpit and bring him to the front of the stage and then back, everyone else will be doing a running motion whilst this is happening.
  • The after that we do another lift on "how the world really looked" everyone besides Rhiannon and I lifts Charlie up and Rhiannon and I go on our knees, then we swap sides and catch Charlie when the others drop him.
  • Finally on "million pieces" we all fall down except for Charlie
Next lesson we will create the rest of the movement.

I've read my part and I think It'll work really well If we use projection our maybe acting it out, Ill explain more on a later date.

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