
In this lesson we decided to plan out what we will do for the next few lesson, we decided that we needed to concentrated on scenes which included movement with it, i the end we came up with the out line for three scene which are either incomplete or we haven't started devising for it yet: The race,  and Great feast.

The race-
For this scene we decided to have a stereotypical race, the farmers are elevated on a table or chairs, and the farmers are at a normal level, the narrator will narrate the race I decided as my character is small I thought to add comedy by having trouble to get onto the platform, when the race starts everyone is in slow motion with over exaggerated facial expressions this will create a comic atmosphere for our young audience. Eventually the farmers win and leave the farmers and Boggis starts crying again and then I say "are you crying again" this leads us into we never let him go.

The Great feast-
With the great feast we decided to have one big movement piece to hype the audience and to show our skills in movement as a group. We decided that its going to start off with everyone besides me and Charlie as we are together in the scene before therefore it will make sense that we are travelling to the home so everyone can celebrate together, I think we should have a sing song as it'll end with the kids being happy.

As I don't have my role as mole we decided to give it to Robert as its a better role to play than being a weasel. Rabbit Mole and Badger will be introduced later on in the play right before the Cider Celler Raid.

I feel this lesson was really important as its utilised on ewjhat we want to do in the next few lesson.


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