First ever run through!

As we are performing Fantastic Mr Fox in a couple of weeks we decided that we should  run the whole thing, but first we need to update Rhiannon on what we have done. We showed and we decided that we need to polish the dance. Lorna and I figured out what we are going to do, we do a little dance where we run around each other and then do we do a couple of turns then Charlie interrupts us and he sings" there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you" and then Charlie Lorna and I link arms together as a stereotypical family, and Charlie cant resist to do "dad dancing" which Lorna and I got embarrassed about and we run back into our line.

We changed the start now we were supposed to be doing our own thing but now we  are in designated lines and we step sided to side where Badger and Fox is in the middle, the step to step will be continuous until everyone forms the line. The other thing we changed is the end where instead we will be in a Family photo positions and wave goodbye to the kids.

We decided that the farmers should have a little song at the start of the show, the song:, basically it starts with me running away with a chicken leg then I smile at the audience and I look at the chicken then I look back to see if anyone is behind me then I start eating the chicken, when Boggis comes up out of back and looks at me walks up to me points me the back and takes the chicken away from as I'm too small I take a run and I try to take the chicken when Bean comes up annoyed and takes the chicken away from us, then we get into our formation and do a couple of bops where Robert and Lewis Bop and then I bop. This is really funny with the music and it'll defiantly entertain the audience.

After this we went through the show to see what scenes need work on. I found this very difficult as I was in a lot of scenes and it was hard to catch up and keep changing character. After the run through miss gave us targets, she said that I need to keep my head up or the kids will just see the back of my head, more characterisation for the fox cup or I wont be able to show my skills and I need to improve my diction for Bunce or the kids wont be able to understand me. As a group she said we need to up our energy and don't use our scripts for next rehearsal.

Next week we need to make one more scene which will be the scene before we sing You've got a friend in me.

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