Odyssey monlogue

Our next task for the Story telling unit with miss Cordell is to create a storytelling performance of a Greek mythology, I paired up with Robert and we got given the story Odyssey. Odyssey is the name of the boat which was able to escape the inescapable: Scylla the six headed beast. Odysseus the captain of the ship just narrowly escaped Scylla by using a whirlpool evade the beast. This obviously infuriated the beast as now his reputation will have a downfall. Odysseus coming out triumph-fully will brag about his victory. Rob and I decided that I'll be the Hero whilst Rob will be the beast and we will perform monologues of the point of view from the battle, however there is a twist where we want the audience to feel sorry for the beast this will be hard to do but if we play our cards right it will turn into a great performance.

Here is my monologue I created during the lesson:

Odysseus is a foolish hero who is bragging about his victory against the six headed beast.

Odysseus: Ahh I’ve had a lot of victories that I can’t even remember all of them. Now let’s see there was my genius idea with the wooden horse during the Trojan, without that we would of never won the Trojan War! Regaining my kingdom and saving my son was the most recent, but my best triumph must be defeating the so called unbeatable monster Scyalla, nothing can beat me and my army not even that stupid six headed beast. I’m the only man who has defeated him, which must mean I am the strongest warrior in the whole world!

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