Switching our characters

The main focus for this lesson was to see how a different actor view our characters and see how they would play them, therefore we switched characters, my role of the Innkeeper's dad got given to Ollie Kelly and I partook the role of Star's Dad.

I view Star's dad to be more suspicious as I don't think he is an astronaut therefore he won't be as outgoing as Lewis plays him, however he will be braggy and talkative, I also wanted to show that Star's dad had a real passion for Stars and his potential son, so I would add extra emphasis  where talked about him being in NASA, or him talking about Star. I wanted Stars dad to be very smart but have no common sense at all, this would be why he couldn't partake his dreams of becoming an astronaut.

I think Ollie Kelley played a good Innkeeper he was more intimidating then I was which created more of a "lad" effect, I'm going to try to be more intimidating for the role of Innkeeper's dad. However didn't like the way Ollie interacted with the other characters, personally I think that he would be outgoing and never really thinks of his action he would just blurt stuff out. I think Ollie didn't show his relationship very well with Shepherd's mum as he didn't interact with her or ague with her in the scene.

Overall I found this to be a great experience as I know what to do know to improve my characters.

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