Adventure island frightnight

During the half term I went to Adventure island's fright night, there were two main attractions which were designed to scare you one of them were called black scream this was basically a small promenade with actors dressed in costumes trying to scare you. This was very effective as the make-up and the costume can completely change your perspective to an character/actor.The other attraction was a maze which I cant remember the name of. This basically the same but the use of technology made the experience better. The actors used fog machines which made it difficult to see if there is anyone around us, this made me more scared as I have lost my vision and the sense of direction. The dimmed red lights along the floor created a nerve racking atmosphere. My favourite part of the of the attractions was that it was different every time you went in there. I also enjoyed the fact the maze was outside as it instantly gives us the chilled feeling. This has made me think about the essential things needed in a performance.

The joker is considered to be one of the best super-villain characters you can play but without the costume he would look normal and nowhere near as scary as he was in the "Dark Knight". The costumes out lines to us that he is unique person who is very smart whilst the make-up gives us the impression that he is a clown but its more of a murderous clown as of the black eyes and the murderous red lips.

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