Snow Queen

This lesson we have merged into one big group for our storytelling research, and have been given the task to make a story telling piece around 20 minutes long and add as many techniques possible, I think this piece will be more of showcase as we can show the examiner and Miss what wee can do as a group together.

We came up with a list and this is what we have came up with:

  • Physical theater/Dance/Movement
  • Placards
  • Monologues/thought tracking
  • Multi Media
  • Music
  • Dialogue(Live or recorded)
  • Storyteller
  • props
  • Communal voice/Choral speaking
Our ideas:
The first thing we would of have to consider was the age range which we will be aiming it at because we have concentrated on children storytelling we decided that we should aim it for an older audience, this gave me the idea that we maybe should do dark comedy as we have never tried it therefore it'll be interesting on what we will do.I also thought we should of done an original story therefore we change all of the factors and the plot of the story which would of made the storytelling easier.At the end we decided to do the snow queen, this story was based from Frozen.

Most of the lesson we planned out what we wanted to do, we decided to have as pattern of  recorded speaking and live speaking, this will be different and risky as if we get out of the time with the recorded speaking we would either have to improvise or somehow get back on track.

Near the end of the lesson we created a little movement bit were Lorna has her recorded speaking and we would have to contract twice then do one big movement, I think that this section will be entirely based on movement.

Within the deadline this will be a very hard performance to create but I think it'll be possible and It'll be a very different piece. 

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