The shooting

This lesson we created and polished the shooting scene. The scene consists of Boggis, Bunce and Bean sneaking through the audience, then Mr Fox comes onto stage and said that he smells "F... f Fried Chicken" this was bait set up by the Farmers so they can shoot him, this will also be funny for the children as its Fried chicken, not just chicken.

Whilst this was happening Rob was tapping on the windowsill which created a very intense atmosphere, so Lewis and I decided to add this in, we will do this by recording it and then playing it during our performance. The drumming will suit the shooting scene as we want to create more tense atmosphere rather that it all being funny.

We also came up with a funny joke when the farmers are in the audience, Boggis steps in Fox poo and moans about it, whilst Bean shhh him and I copy him but I do it for an extended length of time until Bean tells me to stop, this will make the children laugh.

Next lesson we will concentrate on movement for the race scene.

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