The raid scenes!

In this lesson we got a lot done, I was assigned I decided that we should do the raid scenes as we haven't really started on these scenes. As this show is meant for children we would like the kids to still be entertained we can do this by making them laugh therefore we decided that the scene should be funny.

The raid scenes are all  the same except the characters in them Charlie and I are in all of the raid scenes. Lorna is in the first and second raid but then she leaves and Rabbit Mole and Badger are in the third raid. The third raid is the funniest as the Mole cant see so everyone has to put mole back on track.

The scene consists of everyone who is on who will do a mini sequence pretending to dodge obsticals and then we go center stage and we jump, the jump makes it look like we are on the surface now,and then we collect the supplies and do the same sequence but in reverse as we have to exit the tunnel, we found sneak music which works really well on the scene. Whilst the scene is happening Ollie will be narrating.

I think this scene will be very entertaining yet very simple, hopefully the simplicity of the scene will make the audience laugh and enjoy the scenes.

Whilst everybody was choreographing the raid scene, Lorna was creating Cardboard cutouts of cooked chicken legs. They look good!

After the raid scenes we had enough time to start the scene where rat is introduced, we got into a really cheesy formation looking around and then we are interrupted by Lorna who is Rat, we only got this far, Ollie said he will create a script for next lesson.

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