We are getting there!

In todays lesson we ran the entire show and stopped at the end of each scne to get comments and discuss what we need to do to improve our performance. Performing the "Three Farmes"scene it was obivous that it has improved a lot, this created a energetic atmosphere which flowed through the whole show.

"We'll never let him go" was a bit of wreck so Robert, Lewis and I, had to alter the scene, we decided that we would remove the chase scene. After this their was a nice flow to the scene which turned out to be better.

We chorgraghed a new bit of movement for Beans cider celler:
On "dashed behind" we would all run into a line (Ollie, Charlie,Robert, Lewis and I).
On "breath" we would poke ur heads out (Robert and I poked our heads to the left, I go low and Robert goes high. Charlie and Lewis poke their heads to the left Charlie went low and Lewis went high)- this was very funny for the kids.
On "breath" we changed sides
On "heart" we went back into the line
When everyone have their lines they go to the original  side they poke their heads out.
When I say my line Charlie gets annoyed and walks out of the line then everyone calls him back into the line
Everytime the woman grabs a cider jar we reapeat the action, showing our facial expressions to the audience this should be funny to watch

Next secne is the great feast where we sing "you got a friend in me" I printed out the lyrics for this song, and it went quite well.

At the end of the lesson we got given key notes which will help our performance grade. My list is:
Learn lines
Tone down Bunce as I can be scary sometimes
Be more enegetic
More characterisation for te Fox cubs

For next lesson I will focus more on the Fox cub.

I think this lesson went well, the only thing we need to now is to perfect the our performance and to add more energy as the kids will cheer us on if we give out an energetic vibe!  

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