Show day!

Today we will be performing our show in front of an live audience!

We started off the day by clearing the stage, this will make it easier of us to put the set up.
The set is:
 A Christmas tree, Space project worksheets, nativity pictures, "who's been good chart", play house, tables and chairs, coloring stuff and for the adults drinks and food!
Now the stage looks like a class room, and now we can refer to the pictures as it part of our script.

The final thing we had to put up was the decking this was to establish that we are in Mrs Horrocks cupboard and that the Innkeepers "base" the home corner is higher than everything which shows power.

After that we did a run through so Miss can establish the lighting and music plan, and so we can get used to the stage with all of set on there! This run through was really good it enabled me to play withe my Home corner and see what we will make the audience laugh, as well it got me into the Christmas spirit for the show as it is set right before Christmas.

Overall I think its ready to be performed in front of an audience but the main problem which might occur are the songs as not everyone is confident with them

In the end we decided to do the songs acapella as we couldn't find suitable backing tracks for the songs and most of the songs had extra verses so the music would of finished earlier.

The rest of the day I have been looking at my lines and I was experimenting different ways I can come out of the play center to create a comic atmosphere.

I cant wait for the show and I'm looking forward to the show and I know I will do well!

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