
Today we performed the show at Thamesview RE group. The show went well with only a few mistakes, but our audience enjoyed it! I enjoyed performing to a younger audience but I think the show is designated for year two as they will be more interactive with us and will get the joke ore for example the kids didn't get the "Xfactor"joke as they don't really watch TV a lot unless it's Cebeebies as they are young. I played the roles of : Bunce and Fox cub.

What went well:
  • My use of voice was well. It helped me become more like a character.
  • I think the race scene went well and my use of facial expressions in slow motion, this made the kids laugh, which means we succeeded our purpose which is to entertain.
  • My use of facial expressions was good, this made it clear what emotion I was putting on and how I feel about
  • I think my interaction to other characters was good and was very simple this made the audience understand on what is going on

However to improve my grade I need to:
  • My characterisation for the fox cub was bad, this was because I didn't move my whole body as a young fox cub, I found it difficult to find the contrast between these two aspects of my character. As I didn't do this properly I was unable to show a clear contrast between my two characters.
  • I didn't maintain the stance for Bunce this made the audience confused if I was still Bunce or the Fox cub, I think my stance was too weird and I need to do more of a squatting motion; with my arms out to make my self look more masculine and smaller.
  • I need to tone down Bunce as the kids found him more of a scary character when he suppose to be grumpy and he needs to be funny to watch. I can do this by altering my voice and facial expressions, for example instead of pulling a really "murderous" facial expression instead I should be more grumpy
  • I need to focus more as this will improve my performnce and I will know what is happening at all times so I wont be late on going on stage and missing my cues, if I focus more I could also improvise in case their is a mistake and we need to cover it up.
  • I need to maintain my character when the audience is not focusing on me. This will improve my performance and characterisation skills as I will wonder what my characters would do when they are not talking
What I would do to change the performance:
  • I think we should of performed the show to an older audience as the kids were too young to interact with
  • I think Bunce and Boggis should of interacted with the audience as they had no chances to interact with the kids
  • I think the Fox family should of had a song to introduce themselves as the Farmers introduction was strong
  • I think the Farmers should of done the final scene of just waiting as it could create a comic moment for the kids

This was our first ever unit for Double and I think it went really well. This show was funny and made has improved my ability to perform. On top of all of that we have created a strong bond within our group. 

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