Commedia dell'arte

Now we have Finished Fantatstic Mr Fox we move on to a new unit, this unit is called Commedia dell'arte, this is a special form of thatre I'll make a seperate post on it.

We started off by speaking Gromolot, I found this very hard as you have to convey your emotion without words , and you have to somehow have to engage and for the audience to understand what is happening without speaking, this rquires very OTT movemnets and facial expressions this also made me think of how I can just use my voice to convey more emnotions.

Today we learnt 4 of the main stock characters and how they move: Magnifco, Zanni, Brighella, Harlequino

Magnifco: He is very up right and smart therfore he takes his time to get stuff, he leads from his chess and tends to look down to everyone

Zanni: has a arched back, leads from his nose, and he is curious about everything therfore finds everything entertaing, he stupid so he may also find things very scary

After that we decided to interact, and their relationship is the most contraversal in Commedia dell'arte , their relationship consists of worship and commands, as Magnifco doesnt like Zanni he is sometimes very abusive with him, As Zanni is the at the bottom he has to obey Magnifco or there will be a big out come

Brighella: Arched back like Zanni however not as arched, leads from head as he is smart, walks slowly as she is cunning and thinks a lot, he has his arms up by his chest and looks down on people who is below him

Harlquino: Arched back like Brigehlla, but he is very laid back and doesnt really care about anything, he leads from his hips and he is up himself, he also seems to be hungry all the time, he'll listen to people but when they are gone he wont do what he is told

We then experimented with their relationshp, they are at the same place in the pecking order which means they dont have to obey eachother, however Brighella gets irrated by Harlquino as he never listens she will stry to boss him around but he wont listen, Brighella gets really annoyed and may result in violence

After this we got put into to groups and experimented the relationships. I found this a bit confusing however it is intresting I'm looking forward to learning more characters. I think this unit will help me with my movements and voice as a whole. 

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