Monologue workshop

Today we did a workshop style lesson where we performed our monologues and then improved them by taking critiqued and tips. My monologue was from "The Girl with the Dragon tattoo". I performed the monologue sarcastically but very intimidating. Miss enjoyed this but insisted that I did the monologue more serious and to make the audience feel more intimidated.

I'm going to memorize the monologue and try to improve my monologue for our next Monologue lesson!

Here is the monologue I performed:
MARTIN VANGER: "So, what do you want to know? You're a journalist, ask me questions. What do I do with the girls? That's a good question. Well, before, I do what we're doing: Sit down, relax, have a drink. I like that part a lot. Having a chat when both of you know that one of you is going to die. And afterwards, I just get rid of them, far out at sea. Unlike my father, who left them scattered all over the place, like trophies. That's not very smart, if you ask me. Well, he was a loud and garish man. Frankly, he got what he deserved. You can't be a sloppy technician like that. You can't drink to excess like he did. This takes discipline. It's a science of a thousand details. The planning, the execution. It's the cleanup. I guess I don't have to tell you, but you're going to create quite a mess here. (Mikael coughs). Shh-shh-shh. Shh. Let me ask you something. Why don't people trust their instincts? They sense something is wrong, someone is walking too close behind them. You knew something was wrong. But you came back into the house. Did I force you? Did I drag you in? No. All I had to do was offer you a drink. It's hard to believe that the fear of offending can be stronger than the fear of pain, but you know what? It is. And they always come willingly. And then they sit there. They know it's all over just like you do. But somehow, they still think they have a chance. "Maybe if I say the right thing. Maybe if I'm polite. If I cry, if I beg". And when I see the hope draining from their face, like it is from yours right now, I can feel myself...getting hard. But, you know, we're not that different, you and I. We both have urges. Satisfying mine requires more towels."

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