Circus Refugees!


Our task was to create a devised piece as a whole group inspired by Brecht's style of Drama. Miss gave us 2 picture of refugees fleeing there country: one was in World War 2 when children got exported to the country to safeguard from the bombers, and the other one was more present as there was a picture of Refuges on a boat trying to escape Seria as its to dangerous to stay in their country.

The pictures gave us the idea of illegal Trafficking, so we decided that we all have been Trafficked in each different way, for example my name was Jessica and I was a transsexual prostitute. Lewis and Oliver Kelly were slaves Lorna was a child solider and Charlie was the pimp, so he was trying to sell all of us. Most of Brecht pieces would be funny and then he would confront the audience and make them feel bad as they have been laughing at a serious matter, we decided to do the exact same thing so we had to make the devised piece a comedy. The way we did this was that Charlie was a Circus presenter and he was presenting us in a "Circus" style performance, so instead of us all being sad we had be happy and excited to make the audience thinks its a good thing.

Charlie had an opening line for every "performer" mine was "Is it a man? Is it a Women" It can be whatever you want it to be!" and then I would walk on very lady like and flirt with the other people on the stage. After the intro we made a soundscape explaining to the audience of what our real names are and our age and our birth place, mine was "Jessica 16, England" everyone would overlap each other to give it a dramatic effect. Until Charlie had enough and ordered us to shut up!

We also created the ending scene which is actually what happened during the intro scene so instead of it being a circus its just a dark room and Charlie abuses us.

I cant wait to improve this devised piece and see what we can do to make the audience to fell bad!

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