I don't like Mondays!

This was our first min-Devised performance we did in Single! Miss Cordell split us up into 2 groups, Group1: Me, Lewis Fisher, Lorna Clark, Katya Solley and Oliver Kelly. Group2: Oliver Marshall, Cel, Charlie Sanderson and Rhiannon David. To star us off we got given 4 Stimuli: A quote "Although no one can go back and make abroad new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending", 2 pictures one of a funreal type of thing were there was toys in which obiously menat kids, and a picture of murder scene in a highschool, and a song called I dont like Monday by Boom town Rats, this song is about a mascar which happend in a Primary school in America. The task was to create a short devised piece which had 3 techniques and a projection or music.

Our Idea

Our group though of a more tradgic story which ended in death, we got this idea from the lyrics of the song "I dont like Mondays"we decided to craete a starnge piece of drama which was a little bit disturbing. We started  by makeing the opening scene, this was based on by the feeling and emotions the Murderer had to go through, we decided Kat would be the best psyco so everyone played as her emotions, I was innocence, the only thing which stops Kat from vreaking out and Killing everyone, Lewis played as Anger, the emotion which stired up Kats crasiness, Lorna played as Fear one of the negative emotions which every would go through if they killed someone, and Oliver played as Depression which encouraged all of the negative emotions from being Bullied. we also walked the way the emotion would if they were alive. After this scene Lorna created a priveate soundscape of her bullying Kat until she broke and turned Psyco. After this we did a bit of movement were Kat killed everybody. We also add a song called Piano sanata no.11.

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