Polishing the scene

Today we polished the scene which we was working on last lesson. We started off by doing a simple warm-up so we are physically ready for our characters movements. We firstly ran through the whole scene unfortunately it was messy, I think this was because we haven't performed it for a while, therefore we decided to go through the scene and make adjustments using forum theater. As I was too attached to the audience I didn't notice when Columbina turned therefore they suggested to make a subtle noise to give me time to stop struggling and try to impress her. I also got told I should act more innocent so instead of actually trying to impress Columbina look innocent and give a looking saying "am I doing it right" as this will give an awe affect from the audience to Zanni . The also suggested to use a prop to make it more clear that I put glue in my hair. After that the first half of the scene was really good however I think we still need to practice in order to get the scene to be funnier and more entertaining.

After the working on mine and Rhiannon's bit we decided to work on the second where The Doctor comes (Oliver Kelly). This scene was however it was hard to maintain the illusion that Columbina's hand is stuck on Zanni's head we did this by Zanni holding Columbina's hand. We also thought that everyone getting stuck to each other happend too fast therefore we slowed the process down we did this by after Doctore getting stuck on Columbina, Zanni goes to Columbina in slow motion to say "thank you" whilst the other two are trying to stop which then makes all of them stuck to eachother. Then we improved Il Capitano's entrance by having him on a fake noise I think its will be funny as it suits Il Capitano and also suits the style of Commedia dell'arte. We also devised the end of the scene where Harlequin comes in and scares Il Capitano this results into Il Capitano jumping into Doctore's arms and all of them fall over we all ask for help but Harlquin ignores them as he is a very silly characters and walks off

Know this scene is coming together next lesson we would like to devise a new scene.

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