The mask are now finished!

For the last few lessons we have been creating our masks and here is the outcome:
 The reason I have got a long nose is to show that my character is stupid, as in Commedia dell'arte the characters with the longer noses were known to be the more stupid ones. I chose to add the wrinkles on thehead to show exhasution I may be one of the youngest stock characters however I'm the one who work the hardest out of the others, obiously because Zanni's have to obey their master and in fact have to obey everyone above him in the heirachy (which is everyone). You cant see this but I have also moulded bags under his eyes just to make sure that everyone knows how tired he is, I also purposefully made the mask far from perfect as no mask in Commedia dell'arte was erfect is also symbolises how Zanni is (childish, greedy, pushover). I like the colour of my mask as it is very bland again relating to Zanni as a person.also the colour stands out from all of the other characters which makes it easy to recognise the character.

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