A new location

This lesson we finished our masks by putting elastic string on the masks this enables the masks to stay on our face, now the masks our finished a new rule was established to improve our characterization skills, the rule is that when we have our mask on we have to be our character, if we want to ask a question we have to turn around take our masks of and turn back so everybody knows we have got a question, this rule is simply here to improve the contrast between us and our stock characters.

After this Lorna lead a warm up, I think we should do this every lesson as this will help us to prepare for the physical attributes towards Comedia dell'arte, as (especially Zanni) the movement can be physically exhausting the warm-ups also help with my flexibility and balance which currently I am finding very hard to do with Zanni. We also did a focus exercise and then Oliver led a  characterization warm up, this warm up made me think of the emotions which go through Zanni, as Zanni is very stupid however at the same time over dramatic so I don't know when I should be over dramatic or really stupid. This exercise also helped us to understand our class mates interpretations of their characters.

Pantolonie: Greedy, very introverted, slow , smart, really independent
Doctore: Friendly, smart yet no nothings, stereotypical old man, even friendly towards Zanni!
Harlequino: Lazy, always hungry, independent, doesn't really care about anything.
Columbina: Flirty, really friendly, kind, gets her own way by being kind
Il Capitano: Big headed, challenges everyone, but scared when they challenge him
Brighella: Grumpy, two faced, bossy, very introvert, thinks he is better than he actually is

This exercise also made it easier for me to establish relationships between other characters
Zanni's reaction to them. How other characters react to Zanni.

Il Capitano: A bit cautious try to say hello to him. He is disgusted by Zanni and doesn't even acknowledge him, he event tries to challenge him but Zanni runs away.
Pantolonie: Runs to him and kisses his feet, as he is the servant of Pantolonie. He is again disgusted however likes the attention so bosses him around more.
Doctore: Greets him with a friendly manor. He greets back however keeps his distance from Zanni
Columbina: He admires Columbina so he is very forward with her. She likes Zanni so flirts with him a little bit however does find him a bit creepy at times.
Brighella: He is very scared of him so he keeps his distance from him. He enjoys the fact that Zanni is scared of him so he tries to scare him more and sometimes forces him to do stuff which he doesn't want to do.
Harlequino: Greets him but Zanni doesn't really like Harequino. He is to busy doing nothing to acknowledge Zanni.

This lesson everybody came up with a few new ideas which will be included for our final performance. Here is what we came up with:

After a lot of discussion our final idea led the performance to be set in a restaurant where  the stage is the kitchen and the audience is actually  dining in the restaurant. This idea is good as it can create a lot of dramatic irony as the audience will know whats going happen and whilst the other characters will be all over the place therefore in the scene they wont know what is happening in the kitchen which will lead them to do something wrong.

As you can see we came up with all the roles, we picked each role carefully to the needs and the personalities of characters, we think the two guests should be Doctore and Pantolonie as they have the strongest relationship in the show  and they are also the older ones so we wouldn't really aspect them to be working. The manager is Brighella as it suits her personality (bossy, wants her own way). The dishwasher should be Zanni as he is the lowest servant therefore they will force him to do anything. Harlequin and Doctore to be waiters as Harlequino is very lazy so he wouldn't do anything which would be funny for the audience if he ends eating their food. Columbina as she is very flirty we thought the two old men could try to flirt with them but it go's wrong. The chef to be Il Capitano as he is a massive show off however is terrible at what he does which lead into a lot of mistakes to be made.

I really like the idea that the entertainer couldn't come in so they force Zanni to be one here is a rough idea I got for this scene:

  • Zanni gets pushed onto stage, forced to be the entertainer, so he decided to sing a song
  • I the song should be an operatic duet so I decided that the Phamtom of the Opera would be a good one to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fKKiaSLLEY
  • When the first verse is finished Harlequino take the role of the Phamtom as he is very foolish and silly, however he forgets that he left the stove on so whilst they are singing a fire is stiring up.
  • During the song Zanni and Harlequino are over doing and making it into a big thing.
  • At the last verse Brighella finds a lead in so she takes it out which then we find out that Zanni and Harlequino are lip syncing however they still continue so this leads on to the final not which is done really badly
  • However Pantolonie and Doctore thought it was beautiful so they start crying and could throw roses at Zanni and Harlequino
  • After this the fire alarm starts going off which could lead into the fire scene

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