Music which will suit physical thatre piece

Cerys said that she wanted to created a dance/ movement piece  for her role as Jamie's mum this post is some research of music which I think will go well

I like the gardual build in this music as it can show the mental brakedown of Jamie's mum, we could add lifts when the build up is full, I also think Frantic inspired movement would absoulutly suit the music.

1st song, this is a very aggresive which could work if we say that Jamie's mum has a massive breakdown which could result in agression and violence.

2nd song: 2:23 this song is very sympathetic so we could do a nice slow movement piece of Jamie's mum reminising her son.

This is obiously chasing pavements this song could realtre to the tilte as well it is very slow so we could a very slow piece I think eachtime the chourus is one is when Jamie's mum is remebering her son and then when it goes to the verses she realises that he is no longer there, this could be really if we use Frantic inspired movements and maybe a lift

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