Rudolf Laban

Rudolf Laban is the maker of LMA (Laban's Movement Analysis) this technique would help all actors to move more like their characters, his technique is spilt into four different categories:
1.Body (Sequences Between different body parts / Initiation / Connections with others)2.Effort (Direct to Indirect / Light to Heavy / Sudden to Sustained)3.Shape (Forms / Change / Quality)
4.Space (Kinesphere / Spatial intention) 

This technique has helped me to embody my characters for Fantastic Mr Fox. Last lesson we concentrated on the effort aspect.

For the cub I decided to be direct but sometimes indirect as we are still young, very light as I am a baby fox and very sudden as animals are always on there toes.

For the mole I  am going to be indirect as in the film he is, Light as moles are very small therefore light and sustained as I just imagine a mole to be like that.

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