Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox


"The three farmers"-Introduction on the three farmers a little song has been put in there which we could make the kids sing:
"Boggis and Bunce and Bean
One short, one fat, one lean
Theses horrible crooks
So different in looks 
were nonetheless equally mean"
 Maybe we could sing this every time the farmers come on and boo them and then the farmers can react and say "shut up!". In this chapter it explains what  the farmers are like and what they eat:
Boggis: a chicken farmer. He is fat.eats three boiled chickens smothered with dumplings everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Bunce: duck and goose farmer. "pot bellied dwarf". He eats doughnuts and goose liver. Got a bad temper.
Bean: turkey and apple farmer. Never ate food. Drank a lot of cider. Thin as a pencil. The smartest one. He is lean.

"Mr Fox"- Introduction to the Fox's. the chapter describes how their normal life is and that they live in a hole under a big tree. Mr Fox would say " well, my darling, what shall it be this time?A plump chicken from Boggis? A duck or a goose from Bunce? Or a nice turkey from Bean?" And then Mrs Fox would tell him what he wanted. Every night Mr Fox will steal from one of the tree farmers to feed his 4 children- We are only using two- and his wife. Maybe Mrs Fox could ask the children what to eat for dinner and just say the one was said the most.At the end of the chapter it tells you how angry the three farmers are.

"The shooting"- This is the chapter where Mr Fox's tail gets shot off as the farmers are fed up of having their stock stolen from Mr Fox. In this scene Fox like movements are vital as the book describes them and it'll teach the kids how Fox's move.

" The terrible shovels"- In this chapter the  Farmers don't want to wait for the fox to come up so they just start digging. We have already came up with a script for. this scene. This scene interacts with the kids as the narrator insists to dig. In the book Mr Fox doesn't get his tail back but at the start of our devised scene it is sown back on By Mrs Fox.

" The terrible tractors"-In this chapter the foxes are escaping as they can dig faster than the farmers are digging so the farmers decide to get their tractors and try to dig up the fox's. In this the speaker talks about who Bean never cleans so I think he should look quite dirty for the show. And like in the boom he should pull stuff out of his ear which will make the kids laugh. At the end of the chapter it focus back at the Fox's and shows how scared they are.

"The Race" - In this chapter it just describes the frustration of the farmers as they cant catch Mr Fox and his family but then they realize that they will be starving soon and Mr Fox will need to go up as they will need food soon. At the end of the chapter villagers laugh at them so maybe we could add this too our show.

 "We'll never let them go" In this chapter the farmers are frustrated and give up digging, Boggis cries out "never never never" maybe this can turn into an argument between the kids shouting " should should should". At the end Bean suggests to send Bunce down the whole but he's too fat too go down the hole so maybe we can add this as it'll make the kids laugh.

"The foxes begin to starve"- The chapter finally go back to the Foxes and show that they are starving. The farmers puts a steaming chicken near the hole so the other foxes will be tempted to get it but they never do. In this chapter it shows a lost of and maybe we could use the children to restore this hope to escape the farmers.

" Mr Fox has a plan"- In this chapter it reveals that Mr Fox has a plan but we don't see the plan until the next chapter. We could do this to the kids to create suspense and curiosity.

"Boggis' chicken house number one" In the second chapter the narrator describes why Mr Fox cant get into the first Chicken house. But in this chapter they do then we realise Mr Fox's plan was to go here and steal the chickens. The kids are overwhelmed and they just want to eat the chickens but Mr Fox stops them and picks three of the biggest chickens to bring home so Mrs Fox can  pluck and cook the chickens and then they will be eaten. Mr Fox sends one of his cubs to do the job. And Mr Fox plans to get some more food.

"Badger"This chapter introduces Badger into the story. All of the other animals had to run away as the farmers are ruining their homeland. So Mr Fox decides to put on a feast instead to say sorry to the other animals.

"Bunce's Giant store house"In this chapter Mr Fox takes Badger and his cubs to steal from Bunce as they need more food for the feast. We could ask the children were to go. They grab loads of Turkeys and geese and then the children wheels them off to Mrs Fox were she is preparing the feast.

" Badger has doubts"- This chapter Badger explains that he thinks it wrong that they are stealing from the farmers so they can eat but then Mr Fox encourages and reassures Badger and then they continue on. We could get the children to help us convince Badger that this is a good thing.

" Bean's secret cider cellar"- In this scene they try to get to Beans Cider cellar but is stooped by a rat they argue but then Mr Fox scares the rat and lets them in.In this scene the rat can be booed a lot as she is a bad character.

"The woman"- Before the Foxes and Badger could escape a masculine woman walks in  and she is having a conversation off-stage with Beans wife. I think the woman should be a male role as it's more funny for the kids. Everyone almost gets caught but they don't.

" The great feast" everyone is together with a massive meal around them and they cheer for Mr Fox. They decide they should live underground and live off  the farmers stock.

" Still waiting" The three farmers thinking they are smart are still waiting whilst the animals are having a massive feast on there stock.

Character list:

Fantastic Mr Fox: Charlie Sanderson
Mrs Fox: Rhiannon David
Cubs: James Borg-Clancy and Lorna Clark
Boggis: Robert Andrew
Bunce: Lorna Clark
Bean: Lewis Fisher
Narrator: Oliver Kelly
Badger: Oliver Kelly
Rabbit: Lewis Fisher
Rat: Lorna Clark
Mole: James Borg-Clancy
The Woman:??

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