Improvisation monologues as our characters from Flint street nativity play

The other day we got given the task of writing a one minute monologue of what our characters would think in the characters head. I found this task very difficult at first as I couldn't think of what to say but then I thought I just to make a evil master plan of getting Jenny Bennett attention.

Why cant that Big Gay Girl leave me alone? I need to concentrate on getting Jenny Bennett attention! Oh! I know! I could pull our his wobbly tooth. She will get money for it and then she will hug me and maybe she will hold my hand. And then she can marry me but we wont kiss cos that disgusting!

Zoe said I need to keep my hair flat, like that stupid pretender: Ryan He's a goon, I watch him play "Question of Sport from my lair the home corner,but Jenny Bennett like him. I could lock him in Mrs Horrocks' special cupboard . So he can Bugger off and Jenny Bennett will be mine.

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