Innkeeper-Flint street nativty

Our main focus in this lesson was status.  The first activity was to make  a line of Hierachy first would have the best status and the last will have the worse. As I have a really creepy character I thought I'll be higher up because people wont mess with me but the others thought differently and they put me quite low in the line.The second task was to give our characters a number between 1-10 10 being the best and 1 being the worst. I gave myself an eight as I think the Innkeeper is a very intimidating character.

Shepard and Innkeeper
The third task was to write what we thought about every character for example I wrote that Jenny Bennett is beautiful and Lovely as my character has a crush on her. Whilst I don't really like Marcus so I wrote "Big Gay Girl" which is a quote from the script and a goon as that what my character thought. Overall I wrote nasty stuff about everyone beside Zoe as she is my twin sister and Jenny because I have a crush on her! These three exercises had made me think about the Innkeeper thoughts and feelings. I he doing bad stuff to get Jenny's attention? Or is he actually a bad person? Does he like any boy in his class? I thought he might like star as the relationship could be a love/hate thing.

The fourth task was to pick someone who would be the characters best friend. I firstly thought Marcus would be but then I thought probably not- he's more of a victim of the Innkeeper. So I went to Jenny Bennett but realise she isn't a friend but just a simple crush so my final option was Shepard as she is the Innkeeper's twin and this bond is very important for 7 year old! The final task was to stay in a spot  but try to stay with people who you like and stay away from people who you don't like, So I stayed to stay close to Shepard and Jenny but then I avoided Herod as I think Jenny like Herod so I'm jealous of him. Star tried to stay away from me because I intimidate him too much, I also make him do stuff which he doesn't want to do.

These activities were very informative as I understand Innkeeper more than I did.

Jenny and Innkeeper
After these tasks we continued rehearsing the show. We concentrated on a scene with me and Jenny and I talk about the panto of Aladdin. In this scene Innkeeper is trying to impress Jenny but she just continues tidying up. But I finally get her attention by scaring her. I think the Innkeeper thinks the only way he can get attention from Jenny is to scare her. At first I found it very difficult but when I realised what he is doing I was more confident and better.

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