Mothers Breakdown

We thought that it would be nice if we show the mothers reaction to the audience so they will feel more sympathetic towards Jamie and his mother. We liked the idea of Rhiannon keep asking the same question: what if? This will indicate to the audience that she inst mentally stable but it will also help them think more deep into the concept of her own son dying.

We had another idea for the mothers break down showing it through movement and showing the transition between her ex husband and her new husband we spent a lesson doing this using a puppeteer movement showing the mother getting controlled by the ex husband we did this to show she is doing everyday things still but she doesn't feel happy about it ( about the fact that her little baby bit is now dead and she will never see him again), and because of Jamie's death his mothers and fathers love was broken as they were too busy grieving, we made the start of the movement piece however felt like this will be too confusing for the audience so we didn't show it.

We will continue working on Rhiannon's monologue and create a movement piece around it.

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