
Response to Stimuli-

The stimuli we got given was 'Chasing Pavements' , analysis the lyrics to the song I thought that Chasing Pavements is about chasing dreams, and realization that you cant have everything you want, we got a variety of ideas from this, this included: Eating disorders ( we did a small movement piece were Ollie and I was controlling Cel,and she couldn't do anything about it), Comedy (we tried to create 4 different pieces which connect to each other at the same time however it didn't turn out to be funny), Therapy in Prison (we tried out alternative seating during this piece everyone including the actors, we also incorporated physical theater to make the audience feel like they are at the scenario, we also tried out a soundscape) and Domestic violence ( we did a small movement piece to show how unknown domestic violence can be. We also had many ideas this included: Madaline Mckaan, Ian Brady, Terrorism etc.

Development of our idea-

We experimented with many different techniques before we came up with the idea of the Jamie Bulger idea, our main technique we wanted to use at the start was Multi Media- we wanted to have many projections on at the same time however this would've been to difficult to put on as we performed in the hall so we didn't have access to many projectors.

For Handbag we thought that proxemics was really important as we need to show the shift in power, I found this very difficult to get a hold off as the script was altered.

We also improvised a lot ion order to get ideas for scenes, we had massive discussions and arguments which helped a lot as there is so much research into it the arguments was based on real situations which gave us ideas for scenes which would make the audience think about this issue.

Collaboration as a group-

Our group went through a few difficulties however this didn't effect the piece I think the arguments helped our group develop this piece, I also liked the versatility of the idea as everyone in the group gave completely different ideas, if I would do it again I would hope there would be less discussions as I feel we could of spent more time on the practical side.


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