This lesson we personified the seven deadly sins using a mix of movement. In the script one person is meant to say the whole monologue but since there are not enough of us to do that we decided that we will split up the lines to each other for each sin except for Oliver and Rhiannon because they will be playing there own characters in that scene. Here's what we decided:
We are laying on the opposite side of the traverse stage to where Faustus is and are breathing in and out as one. When we say our dialogue we switch positions but we are still sleeping, this represents laziness as we cant be bothered to move properly also sleeping together as a clump adds to the abstract genre you get from the play
Mephistopheles will come on stage with a bucket of chicken we will all run to her beast like grabbing a leg of chicken, we will protect our chicken and eat it , whilst we say our lines we will still be eating the chicken showing that the only thing which cares to us is the food. I think we should be more animalistic with the movements relating back to survival and that you only think for yourself. We've also
We wanted to in-cooperate modern society into this play, we done this in pride by adding modern technology and taking selfies, as nowadays this consumes a lot of people life's. The sequence starts with everyone doing model poses, in a v formation then when we say our line we will walk down the cat walk and pose, I have the last line so Lewis and Lorna will lift me symbolizing that I think I'm better than everyone else.
We will polish the movements when we rehearse it more, I'm going to go through this at home and practice the lift with Lewis and Lorna after school to ensure that I will be safe and the lift will look clean.
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